Content Tab

Scope and Content (Abstract)

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3 Format: Free text Purpose: Record a summary of the Scope and Content (Narrative) field. Rule: This field should contain approximately 3-5 sentences summarizing the narrative Scope and content. Example: The fonds contains documents related to the Samizdat activities of Lajos Jakab.

Scope and content (Abstract) - Original Language

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3 Format: Free text Purpose: Record a summary of the Scope and Content (Narrative) field. Rule: This field should contain approximately 3-5 sentences summarizing the narrative Scope and content. Example: A fond Jakab Lajos szamizdat tevékenységéhez kapcsolódó dokumentumokat tartalmazza.

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Scope and content (Narrative)

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3.1 Format: Free text Purpose: To enable users to judge the potential relevance of the unit of description. Rule: Give a summary of the scope (such as periods, and geography) and content, (such as documentary forms, subject matter, and administrative processes) of the unit of description, appropriate to the level of description. Example: Lajos Jakab was a prominent figure in the Samizdat circles in Budapest in the 1980s. His involvement in Samizdat production and distribution is described in his account of this period of his life (Lajos Jakab: The Samizdat Inside: In the early '80s, he went to many concerts of Hungarian oppositional underground bands, such as Beatrice, and met acquaintances who had already been part of the Samizdat writing, producing, and distributing circles; at that time he was only a "consumer", who bought and distributed Samizdat books and periodicals. His trip to Poland in the summer of 1983 including a demonstration related to the visit of the Pope where he was witness to the confrontation between the protesters and the police (at that time such demonstrations were unknown in Hungary) proved to be a decisive event. Returning from this trip, he decided to join the oppositional movement. He visited Gábor Demszky and offered him help to find access to a printing facility through personal contacts. Demszky entrusted him with the reproduction of the supplement of his newspaper entitled Hírmondó...

Scope and content (Narrative) - Original Language

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3.1 Format: Free text Purpose: To enable users to judge the potential relevance of the unit of description. Rule: Give a summary of the scope (such as, time periods, geography) and content, (such as documentary forms, subject matter, administrative processes) of the unit of description, appropriate to the level of description. Example: Jakab Lajos a budapesti szamizdat körök egyik prominens képviselője volt. Szamizdatos története saját írása (Jakab Lajos: A szamizdat belülről : alapján nagyjából az alábbi stációk mentén írható le: A ’80-as évek elején sok ellenzéki könnyűzenei koncertre járt, a Beatrice koncertjein, rajongói együttléteken ismerkedett meg olyan ellenzékiekkel, akik már részesei voltak a szamizdat előállító, létrehozó, terjesztői köreinek, de ekkor még csak „fogyasztóként”: vásárolta és terjesztette a szamizdat könyveket és újságokat. 1983 nyarán egy sorsdöntőnek bizonyult lengyelországi kiránduláson maga is részesévé vált a pápa-látogatást követő ellenzéki tüntetéseknek, sőt egy rendőrségi intézkedésnek is, hasonló aktivitás Magyarországon ekkor még nem volt. Az útról hazatérvén kereste föl Demszky Gábort, akinek nyomdász ismeretségét is felajánlotta, s aki rábízta az általa készített Hírmondó újság mellékletének sokszorosítását...

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Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3.2 Format: Free text. Purpose: To provide information on any appraisal, destruction, and scheduling action. Rule: Record appraisal, destruction, and scheduling actions are taken on or planned for the unit of description, especially if they may affect the interpretation of the material. Where appropriate, record the authority for the action. Example: During the processing of the collection no destruction took place.

Appraisal - Original Language

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3.2 Format: Free text. Purpose: To provide information on any appraisal, destruction, and scheduling action. Rule: Record appraisal, destruction, and scheduling actions are taken on or planned for the unit of description, especially if they may affect the interpretation of the material. Where appropriate, record the authority for the action. Example: During the processing of the collection no destruction took place.

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System of arrangement

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3.4 Format: Free text Purpose: To provide information on the internal structure, the order, and/or the system of classification of the unit of description. Rule: Specify the internal structure, order, and/or the system of classification of the unit of description. Note how these have been treated by the archivist. For electronic records, records, or reference information on system design. Alternatively, include any of this information in the Scope and Content element (3.3.1) according to national conventions. Example: The collection is organized based entirely on the original order, in the manner in which it was accessioned.

System of arrangement - Original language

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.3.4 Format: Free text Purpose: To provide information on the internal structure, the order, and/or the system of classification of the unit of description. Rule: Specify the internal structure, order, and/or the system of classification of the unit of description. Note how these have been treated by the archivist. For electronic records, records, or reference information on system design. Alternatively, include any of this information in the Scope and Content element (3.3.1) according to national conventions. Example: The collection is organized based entirely on the original order, in the manner in which it was accessioned.

Read more on Languages and Multilingualism.

Written by Leposa Balázs on Wednesday October 7, 2020 - updated on Friday February 17, 2023