Allied Materials Tab

Location of Originals

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.5.1 Format: URL and/or free text Purpose: To indicate the existence, location, availability, and/or destruction of originals where the unit of description consists of copies. Rule: If the original of the unit of description is available (either in the institution or elsewhere) record its location, together with any significant control numbers. If the originals no longer exist, or their location is unknown, give that information. Example: Originals are placed at Hoover Institute at Stanford University in California, United States of America.

Location of Copies

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.5.2 Format: URL and/or free text Purpose: To indicate the existence, location, and availability of copies of the unit of description. Rule: If the copy of the unit of description is available (either in the institution or elsewhere) record its location, together with any significant control numbers. Example: Copies can be found at the East European Archives in Warsaw, Poland.

Publication Note

Standard Reference: ISAD(G) 3.5.4 Format: Free text Purpose: To identify any publications that are about or are based on the use, study, or analysis of the unit of description. Rule: Record a citation to, and/or information about a publication that is about or based on the use, study, or analysis of the unit of description. Include references to published facsimiles or transcriptions. Example: Pallai, Péter - Sárközi, Mátyás: A szabadság hullámhosszán - Az 1956-os magyar forradalom története - Az 1956-os magyar forradalom története a BBC elmondásában [At the Wavelength of Freedom - The Story of the 1956 Revolution - As Told by the BBC], (Helikon, Budapest, 2006.) Pallai, Péter - Sárközi Mátyás: Némi demokráciától a népi demokráciáig (1945-1948) [From Some Democracy to People's Democracy (1945-1948)], (Helikon, Budapest, 2008) Irving, David: Uprising! The Hungarian Revolution of 1956

Written by Leposa Balázs on Wednesday October 7, 2020 - updated on Friday February 17, 2023