Archival Unit

In the Archival Unit module, the upper levels of archival units like fonds, subfonds, and series can be created and edited:

The following actions can be performed in this module:

Create New Fonds by clicking the New Fonds button

This function helps to add new collections to the archival holdings. This step helps to assign a unique archival identifier and title for the newly entered collection. This step needs to be made before accessioning an archival collection.

The Action Buttons can be used to see or edit the already existing records as follows:

The Add or Edit Subfonds button

For fonds that already exist, the Add Subfonds function helps to add subfonds at one level below. If subfonds have been already added, the Edit Subfonds button is used for modifying the basic data that has been already introduced on that archival unit.

The Add or Edit Series button

For subfonds that already exist, the Add Series button helps to add a series at one level below. If series have been already added, the Edit Series function is used for modifying the basic data that has been already introduced on that archival unit.

Read more on General operations with the Grid of Records

Written by Leposa Balázs on Thursday August 27, 2020 - updated on Friday March 3, 2023